Finding Inspiration in “How are you Really?” Let’s Lift Each Other Up!
Today, I wanted to open up and share a recent experience I had that made a significant impact on me.
Like anyone else, I have my fair share of bad days and challenging weeks, and lately, the real estate industry has been particularly tough for all of us. Agents, brokers, and service providers alike, we’ve all been feeling the pressure. Even with my 20 years of experience, I couldn’t escape the feeling of being in a funk, as if the days were piling up against me.
Conquering Imposter Syndrome: Embrace Your Worth and Achievements
Imposter Syndrome… it’s a term we often hear, but rarely do we open up and have real conversations about it.
Before we dive in, let’s start by defining it: Imposter Syndrome is that persistent feeling of not believing in our own success. We question if we truly deserve it or if it’s just a result of luck or knowing the right people at the right time.