Letting Go of Judgment
Hi Friends!
The other day, once again, someone said to me, "Barb, you exude so much more confidence now."
While you may believe that and it seems evident in my actions, as I constantly hear this feedback, it has prompted me to reflect deeply on that statement.
Why are people making such remarks?
Was I lacking confidence before?
What has brought about this change?
And as I ponder on it, I realize I know exactly what has changed… It's me!
Yes, I started wearing wigs, and yes, it has had a profound impact on my life. However, the truth is that the confident person you see now was always within me.
Here's what has truly changed, here's what occurred.
I let go of one crucial thing: judgment!
I stopped fretting about what others think of me.
People will always talk about you! People will always pass judgment! Let them!
The fact is, life is far too short to be concerned about anyone's opinion of you. Who cares about what you share on social media? Who cares if you post pictures of your family every day? Who cares if you love taking selfies (with filters)? Who cares if you started a business? Who cares if you pursued your dreams? Who cares if you have a unique sense of style or a favorite color? Who cares if you enjoy showcasing your outfit of the day? Who cares if you hold an unpopular opinion? Who cares if you enjoy drinking alcohol? Who cares if you choose not to drink alcohol? Insert whatever "who cares" moment exists in your life, because guess what... who really cares?
The feeling of judgment, the whispers behind your back, it will always happen. There will always be people out there who judge you for what you do, say, eat, drink, or wear! Every single day!
I think what has changed in me is that I still care, but I care differently. I care about the opinions of my family. I care about the opinions of my closest circle of friends who genuinely care about me. I listen, I consider their thoughts, and then you know what? I still act and do what feels right for me.
Life is too short, my friend, to care too much about trivial matters instead of focusing on what truly matters. How you feel within yourself and how you express it to the world!