❌Ditch "Fake It 'Til You Make It"❌

You've probably heard the classic advice, "Fake it 'til you make it." While it's catchy, let's be real. It's like trying to be a cat when you're clearly a dog. You might fool a few people, but your true self eventually emerges.

The funny thing is I used to teach new business owners this. I always said, "Fake it until you make it." Basically, be something you aren't until you are. And one day, I realized why that is fundamentally wrong!

Why pretend to be someone you're not when you can be the awesome person you *want* to be? That's where "acting as if" flips the script.

What's "Acting As If"?

Let's break it down. "Acting as if" means stepping into the shoes of the future you—the one who's already living the dream.

This isn't about faking a persona; it's about being your best self before fully growing into that role. If you want to dominate your field, look at the pros. What time do they wake up? What activities fill their day? And then do those things, but make 'em your own.

Who do you "envy"?

Ever looked at someone at the top of their game and thought, "Wow, I wish I had what they've got"? Stop wishing!

Just do what they do, but in your unique way.

Observe their habits, their attitude, and their daily grind. Imitation might be the sincerest form of flattery, but let's call it what it is—smart learning!

Want to wow your clients and get those referrals rolling in? "Act as if" you're already the expert that everyone trusts.

Are you jealous of that person who is the size you want to be or looks great in the clothes you wish you could wear?

If it's a healthier, fitter you that you're after, stop saying, "I'll start on Monday" or "I'm not a gym person." Think about what a fit person would do. Would they skip breakfast or grab a protein shake? Would they Netflix binge or do a quick workout? Would they get up early and get on the peloton that is collecting dust in the closet (yes, that is my sarcasm)? All joking aside, become that person by acting as if you're already there.

The Secret Sauce: Authenticity

Remember, folks, "acting as if" is not a hall pass to fake who you are. Keep it real! The more authentic you are, the more people relate to you. We humans are funny that way; we like doing business with people who show their true colors.

In a nutshell, stop waiting for things to happen or for you to transform magically. Start "acting as if" today. You have the script, you know the role you want, so step onto that stage and knock 'em dead! 🎭

Cheers to the journey toward the best version of you! 🥂

I'll be over here cheering you on!


What does Authenticity mean anyway? 🌟


🌟Embracing "Optimism" in 2024🌟