Are YOU Showing Up Authentically?

This week was a long one... And not just for me, but for everyone in my life it seems.

And even though it was the week of all weeks and I wanted to run away, and hide - I knew I couldn't. I had to keep showing up, keep connecting and communicating. And keep being HONEST about what I was feeling!

So, instead of throwing my phone out the window and putting on Netflix in bed (which is really what I wanted to do) - I opened up about what I was feeling on Social Media. I shared that life isn't always what it looks like on the "gram".

I let people in.

And the amount of messages and phone calls I received from people thanking me for publicly sharing my struggles was just the reminder I needed to confirm how important it is to be Authentic, Open and HONEST on Social Media!


We all know that our Industry is known for "exaggerating truths". Whether it's winning awards for being the "Top in the Country" or the "Best in your Brokerage" - or even just putting the pretty pictures of your new listing online, we've ALL been guilty at one time or another of only showing off the good stuff.But showing off JUST the good stuff isn't GOOD STUFF. It's not only a disservice to yourself, but a disservice to your REALTOR® Relationships, your Friendships, and your Clients.

By opening up and being Authentic on Social Media, you're allowing people to see you for who you truly are. And when people have the opportunity to see your personality, and what makes you uniquely you, they relate to you and feel connected to you.

I spoke last week about finding your UNIQUE VALUE. And that out of all of the REALTORS® in your area, your Database chooses to work with YOU. So by showing up online, showing off only the good and not creating a truthful relationship to those who follow you - you're shutting off so many potential conversations and connections. And that's not fair to anybody!

So, let's end this with a question...Are YOU showing up Authentically on Social Media?

And if you aren't sure how to answer, that's okay! Every day, every post and every story is a fresh opportunity to start showing more of the real YOU. And, the great thing is, you can start any time you'd like.

Or if you want to know more about How to Show Up More Authentically on Social Media, scroll down and listen to this weeks Episode of Real Estate by Relationship® Podcast where I dive even deeper into how you can be your true self as a REALTOR®, online.


My WomanUP!® Recap


What is Your Unique Value?