How to Not Be “Salesy”
Throughout my 20-year Real Estate journey, the number one resounding question I hear without fail while I'm training other agents is, "How do I ask for business without sounding Salesy?" So many agents have struggled in the past, or are currently struggling with, asking friends and family for business! So if this sounds like a question you've been searching for the answer to, you are NOT alone! So my friends, let's talk about how you can approach this age-old question with ease and tact.
If you're reaching out to a friend, or a previous client, only to ask them if they are looking to purchase a home? Or know someone who might be? Then you're being "Salesy." Now don't panic. This type of Cold Sales approach or dialing for dollars can work for some agents! But what I've learned over the years is that this style of lead generation will always leave you feeling like you're starting your business over and over again, never growing beyond the "cold call." So how do I do it?
I focus on the relationship.
No matter who you're talking to, start your call off like you're talking to your lifelong best friend. Act like you haven't spoken to them in years! "How are your children?" "How is your work going?" "How was that vacation I saw in your Instagram Stories?" These questions make the foundation of your connection not about you and your business but instead about the person on the other end of the phone.
In my 22 years of Lead Generation phone calls, 95% of people then return my questions with their own. "How is YOUR business doing?". And THAT is your opportunity to start sharing with them. Share about the Market, update them on the value of their homes or homes around them, and ASK for business! Yes, ASK!
Through natural conversation, you can now start with your un-salesy pitch. "My business is doing great; Real Estate is a phenomenal asset to own right now; it is a great time for buyers AND sellers." And finish it with "Hey friend, Can you do me a favor? If you come across some who is looking to buy or sell or simply needs Real Estate advice, I would love for you to introduce us or connect us on Facebook or in a group message." I guarantee the person on the other end of the phone will say "Absolutely." Not using these kinds of phone calls to deepen personal relationships AND further your own business can be detrimental to your opportunities for growth.
As Real Estate Agents, we have the excellent position of HELPING people through some of their most significant life events. There is always a problem to be solved, and we get to HELP people solve them. If you apply this thinking to yourself, you're no longer a pushy salesperson. Instead, you're a Professional Problem Solver who just so happens to sell Real Estate as well.
And that, my friends, is an INCREDIBLE occupation to hold.