You're not behind

I was talking to a friend in business the other day.  And she said something that struck me.  She said “I feel so behind”......well that got me thinking.  

Here’s what I told her…… You're not lagging behind in this journey we call life. Nope, you're not walking in someone else's shoes or trying to keep pace with them. Your path? It's uniquely yours, my friend.

So, you could never be "behind." 

Yup that’s the reality, how can you be behind in your OWN life!!! Unless you are trying to keep up with someone else, and we all know where that lands us.  

It's all too easy to slip into that mindset, thinking you're not where you should be. Feeling frustrated because life isn't sticking to your plan. Worried that others will spot your imperfections. Anxious that you'll never measure up to your own expectations.

But stop right there and take a breath.

You're right where you're supposed to be—on YOUR path, the one and only like it. You're the one meant to navigate it, achievements, setbacks, all of it!

You're not playing catch-up, and you haven't messed up the story. In fact, you're the author, writing it with every step you take. 

And guess what? You can always make tweaks, pivot, or set a new course if you want. Inspiration can lead you in fresh directions. But remember, shame isn't somewhere you want or need to live. 

Trust yourself. Keep your eyes on the road ahead and enjoy every moment, because this path is yours and yours alone.

Let's make a pact to stay present and grateful for the incredible journey our feet have taken us on so far. 🙌✨

And my goal is that YOU don’t feel alone, know that I am cheering you on each step of the way!


Change….It’s here


❌ QUIT the comparison game