Likability vs Trustability

I’ve been reflecting on a question that comes up often in conversations: "What's the difference between likability and trustability?"

It's a great question and an important distinction to make, especially in business.


When you think of “likability,” what comes to mind?


For me, "likability" is about being personable, friendly, and enjoyable to be around. It’s that immediate connection you feel with someone who is approachable and easy to talk to.


On the other hand, “trustability” goes deeper. It’s about being reliable, honest, and consistent. It’s the assurance that someone will follow through on their promises and act with integrity.

Here’s how I break it down:

Both likability and trustability are important, but trustability is what truly sustains long-term relationships in business and life.


People may like you initially because of your personality, but they will trust you because of your character and reliability. And when trust is established, it often leads to deeper, more meaningful connections and opportunities.

Remember, being likable can open doors, but being trustworthy keeps those doors open. 🚪 


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