Embracing Vulnerability 🫣

I want to get real with you. Yup, it's time for a vulnerable message ❤️. 

You see, sometimes it's the ones who seem the strongest that have the deepest insecurities. 🙋🏻‍♀️ And guess what? That includes me. I've got some big ol' insecurities that like to pop into my head from time to time.

I'm a pro at crafting stories in my mind about things that either aren't ever going to happen or simply aren't reality. 🥺  It's something I've gotten better at over the years, but every now and then, those insecurities rear their heads. 🤷🏻‍♀️

But here's the thing, friends. We've all got our battles, right? And sometimes, it takes someone special to help us overcome them. 💪🏼

One day, this amazing friend of mine asked me a question, and instead of being honest, I gave her some lame excuse because I didn't want to admit my insecurity. 👀 Sound familiar? I bet it does.

And then, one day, I called her and said I'm gonna be transparent and share this thing in my head. She laughed at me, loved on me, and encouraged me to overcome it. 🥺

I made a commitment to myself that day, and she held me accountable. She didn't let me forget the promise I'd made to myself. 🤞🏻

Here's the takeaway, my friends. Sometimes, you need someone in your life who can see what you can't. They can help you navigate those blind spots and provide you with the love, encouragement, and support you need. 👏🏻

So, if you're wrestling with something that, deep down, you know isn't true or something you need to conquer, reach out to a friend. Find someone you trust, be real with them, and lean on them for support. 😇
I promise you, it works! 🥹

Until next time, keep being your authentic selves. Remember, we're all in this together. ❤️🌟


How I Overcame Recent Challenges - You Can Too! 💪🌈


What a WEEK 😵