I am back from North Carolina!
Oh my lanta, the jet lag is REAL!
This week, I packed my bags and headed out to Raleigh, North Carolina - for the 2023 Level-Up Live Event where I spoke alongside 7 other influential and brilliant speakers.
Level-Up Live is all about bringing the people who have dedicated their lives to helping other humans build their businesses, goals and dreams - and putting them on the stage to share their stories. It was such an amazing experience filled with lots of learning, lots of connecting and lots of emotion.
From an 7x Iron Man Champion sharing his story of overcoming addiction and finding his path in helping others face their fears and anxiety, to a teen mom and high school drop out, who built a multi figure company helping other businesses reach their potential - I was surrounded by people who found their passions and turned sharing them with others into their careers.
If you tune in to the Real Estate by Relationship® Podcast you’ve already met one of the amazing speakers I had the honor of sharing the stage with - Miss Hillary Billings.
Tik Tok Mogul and Short Form Expert - Hilary taught me so much about content creation that even I didn’t know already!
If you haven’t listened to our episode, you absolutely should! Tik Tok has changed the way we look at, use and create videos on Social Media, and she’s truly a brilliant mind in the online marketing space.>> Ep. 55: How to Capture and Keep Attention on Social Media
Which is exactly what I shared on stage.
People crave REAL.
They crave REAL connections, REAL conversations, REAL emotions.
And in order to be REAL in your business and in your life, you gotta start being F.A.K.E.
I know, this sounds confusing - but I promise, by the end of this email you’ll understand!
F.A.K.E is an acronym I came up with on my journey to live a more authentic life. It takes everything being fake isn’t, and turns it into a solid game plan for showing up as who YOU are, 100% of the time.Let’s start with F.
Forget People Pleasing.I struggled with this one the most. And to be honest with you, I still do. I’m self appointed people pleaser #1. But trying to make everyone else happy all of the time? Leaves you burnt out, resentful and lacking energy to please the most important person of all - YOURSELF.
Acknowledge Who YOU Are.YOU are great. YOU are powerful. YOU are capable. Everything that’s necessary to running a thriving small business, or reaching your fullest potential is already inside of YOU. We all see it - it’s time you start believing it too.
Kick Comparison to the Curb.Theodore Roosevelt said it best “Comparison is the thief of Joy”. When we compare ourselves other people, we are robbing ourselves of appreciating and enjoying everything we already have, and everything we already are. Plus - you never know where someone else is in their story! Why would you compare your middle, to someone else’s end?
Eliminate Exaggeration.I used to fake it ’til I made it. Heck, if you’ve been a part of my Saturday Love Note Friends for long enough, I even taught YOU how to fake it ’til you made it! But after a little bit of soul searching (and a lotta bit of mindset switching) I’ve learned faking it til you made it is exactly what it sounds like… FAKE. I instead have adopted the Act As If method. Want to be a top producer? What time do they wake up, what’s their Lead Generation like? Who do they network with? Take their routines and habits, and incorporate them into your daily routines. Then, get ready to dominate.All in all - stepping out of my own way, and sharing who I truly am at the end of the day, has not only transformed my personal life for the better, but it’s completely reinvigorated the way I show up for clients in my sales business.
Because friend, by being who YOU are and showing not only the good, bright and shiny - you’re showing that you’re a real human with real problems that your clients can RELATE to.And at the end of the day, all we want is authentic human connection and to feel seen and understood.I so hope this message resonates with you today, and inspires you to start showing up more as YOU.
Because there is only one of you and that’s what makes you unique, powerful and special.
But beyond just sharing their passions, which can come off as bright and shiny success stories… they shared their obstacles. They shared what held them back from seeing their potential. They were vulnerable and open, and shared the hard parts of their story.
They allowed everyone to connect with them in such a deep, personal way by just being open, honest and authentic.