What's Your WHY?

It's time to get serious about your future (and the future of your Business!).

Recently, my amazing team of staff members and I headed out of office and into planning mode - taking the weekend for our two day retreat and getting ready for everything coming up in 2023.

And when I tell you we meant business... We meant BUSINESS. We made plans for the Agents in our Brokerage covering all the bases; Lead generation, CRM automations, marketing plans... All the technical support that Agents need to have, and brokers should be providing.

But now that our in-office team retreat is over, we’re looking ahead to the end of the month, when I take my Agents on their Business Planning Retreat.

During every 4th Quarter, our whole team packs up and heads out of town for an intense & productive two-day retreat. We help our Agents create new strategies, build new marketing plans, and look back at their years numbers and set their goals for the next 12 months. (There’s some fun involved too!)

But every year I start our retreat with the same question.

What is your WHY?

I know you’re probably wondering “why is she telling us this? This sounds amazing, but what does it have to do with ME and MY business?”

Because even though the answer may seem easy, or obvious at first... taking the time to sit down and really think about your WHY - is important.

We all have reasons WHY we need to work. Financial stability, raising a family, paying off debt. These are all very, very valid reasons.

But by figuring out your WHY, and writing it down, you give yourself a clear reminder of the reasoning behind the long hours, stressful phone calls and occasionally missed events.

Real Estate can be an all encompassing career. We live for our clients. We’re happy when they’re happy, we’re sad when they’re sad, and we’re usually angrier than them when they’re angry.

But there’s a reason we all love it so much. Because as REALTORS®, part of our WHY is helping PEOPLE, just like us, reach one of the biggest milestones in their lives.

So, I'm giving you homework.During your business planning for 2023, take a moment to yourself, and sit down to figure out your WHY. Maybe it's buying a new home, or starting a college fund for your children... and it may even change throughout the year!

But think about your WHY, write it down and put it in a place you’ll see daily.

Because setting your goals and intentions for your upcoming year are so much clearer when you know WHY.


We're LAUNCHING into 2023


It's my Favorite Time of the YEAR!